- Pengantar -

infoKarirkita! merupakan layanan informasi pekerjaan yang gratis! tidak berbayar..Masukkan link http://infokarirkita.blogspot.com ke blog/situs Anda untuk membantu para pencari kerja. Mengingat masa berlaku suatu lowongan kerja yg sangat pendek yaitu antara 7 sampai 15 hari, maka supaya tidak ketinggalan kesempatan emas, selalu kunjungi website ini.

Sangat dianjurkan untuk membookmark (menyimpan di FAVORITE browser) halaman kerja berikut di komputer Anda sesuai dengan minat kerja Anda dan mengeceknya secara teratur agar tidak ketinggalan info.

NB: Mohon bantuan untuk pengembangan situs infoKarirKita! ini dengan meng-klik/mengunjungi beberapa iklan layanan yang berada di halaman ini, Terima Kasih sebelumnya..

Selamat Mencari Kerja! Semoga Sukses Selalu!


Sabtu, 03 Mei 2008

Low Senior Mechanical Electrical EC Harris Indonesia

Senior Mechanical Electrical

Quantity Surveying
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)

EC Harris Indonesia is a leading international company delivering a
range of professional services to support clients in the creation of
capital projects and the operation of capital assets. Employing more
than 3000 people worldwide, it has invested in the development of its
people and processes to deliver better value projects to its clients.


* A large proportion of the role will be focused on the measurement
and production of Bills of Quantities. Opportunity to be part of growing
team that could lead to a senior position for the right caliber
candidate. As opportunities for overseas assignment may arise, a
willingness to travel will be preferred.


* Candidate must possess at least a Associate Degree in Engineering

, Engineering (Electrical/Electronic)
* Required skill(s): Quantity Surveying.
* Required language(s): Bahasa Indonesia, English
* Applicants must be willing to work in Jakarta.
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence
* Preferably Senior Staffs specializing in Quantity Surveying or
* Experience at least 7 years
* Full-Time positions available.

Candidates should apply to sjamsu.bachtian@echarris.com


Sjamsu Bachtian, Psi

HR Assistant

EC Harris
Wisma Sentosa, 1st floor
Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda Kav. 30
Pondok Indah, Jakarta 12240
Tel: +62 21 723 9095
Fax: +62 21 723 8981

Lowongan CS dan Teller Bank Danamon

If you're looking for exciting career development in a dynamic, forward thinking banking environment, then Danamon is definitely the place to be right now. an open culture where people are rewarded for commitment and performance. Where you can always drive your own growth if you have passion and ambition.. and, whether you're a highly motivated graduate or have previous bank ralated experience, we have all the skill-sets and training facilities to get you to the place you want to be, because we are currently recruiting in the following positions.

Silahkan apply online lewat situs danamon:
URL : http://career.danamon.co.id/applicant/list_vacancy.php?id=36

Lowongan CS dan Teller Bank Danamon

If you're looking for exciting career development in a dynamic, forward thinking banking environment, then Danamon is definitely the place to be right now. an open culture where people are rewarded for commitment and performance. Where you can always drive your own growth if you have passion and ambition.. and, whether you're a highly motivated graduate or have previous bank ralated experience, we have all the skill-sets and training facilities to get you to the place you want to be, because we are currently recruiting in the following positions.

Silahkan apply online lewat situs danamon:
URL : http://career.danamon.co.id/applicant/list_vacancy.php?id=36

Lowongan Account Officer di BRI

Kanwil BRI Yogyakarta membuka kesempatan karir sebagai pekerja tetap bagi profesional muda dan telah berpengalaman di DIY dan Jateng untuk mengisi posisi:


1. Pria/Wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun (belum berulang tahun ke 31 per tanggal 1 Mei 2008)
2. Pendidikan minimal S1 (dari PTN/PTS berakreditasi A atau B dan memiliki reputasi baik)
3. IPK minimal 2,75
4. Memiliki pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di jabatan kredit (AO) di Bank Umum atau lembaga pembiayaan (Multifinance)
5. Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi baik dan motivasi kerja tinggi.
6. Dapat bekerja mandiri ataupun Tim dan sudah terbiasa bekerja dengan target.
7. Wilayah penempatan:
- Eks Karasidenan Surakarta
- Eks Karasidenan Kedu
- Eks Karasidenan Banyumas
8. Tinggi badan minimal 160 cm (laki-laki) dan 158 cm (perempuan), berpenampilan menarik dan berat badan proposional
9. Dapat mengplikasikan aplikasi microsoft office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)

Persyaratan Lamaran:
1. Mengajukan surat lamaran beserta fotocopy KTP/Identitas yang masih berlaku, akta kelahiran, CV Lengkap, foto berwarna 4x6 terbaru , dan dokumen pendukung lainnya.
2. Surat lamaran disampaikan dengan mencantumkan kode: AAO BRI pada sudut kiri atas amplop, dikirim melalui pos tercatat selambat-lambatnya 8 (delapan) hari setelah iklan ini terpasang (stempel pos) kepada:

PO BOX 29 YKBS 55281

Ketentuan lain-lain:
1. Berkas lamaran yang masuk setelah batas akhir iklan ini dinyatakan tidak berlaku
2. Setiap pelamar hanya diperkenankan mengirimkan 1 (satu) berkas lamaran
3. Berkas pelamar dengan persyaratan lengkap yang akan dipanggil mengikuti test seleksi via www.psikologi.ugm.ac.id mulai 15 mei 2008
4. Tidak ada surat menyurat, bagi peserta yang lolos seleksi akan dihubungi oleh LPKM dan BRI

Jumat, 02 Mei 2008

Job Vacancies at WorleyParsons Indonesia.

We are a global organization that prides itself on being able to provide safe and high quality services that exceed our client’s expectations. Our culture is founded on key principles such as openness, teamwork and delivering results. Everything we do is grounded in these principles. As such our employees experience a high level of job satisfaction, which leads to outstanding project performance, which in turn leads to customers rewarding us with repeat business.

With the merger of Worley and Parsons E&C we have grown to over 14,000 + employees and are spread across 73 different offices worldwide. What we need most now are new and talented people to enhance our teams worldwide. We currently have multiple projects and many exciting new prospects on the horizon. We offer you the opportunity to prosper via our global network of offices and the flexibility to experience the world at the same time as grow your career if you choose to do so. WorleyParsons Indonesia can be your gateway in attaining international experience.

We have an opening for the following positions:

1. Engineering Manager
The Engineering Manager will work with the Manager of Projects in delivering successful commercial outcomes on all projects. It is recognized that delivery of optimal commercial outcomes on projects may result in tension with best-practice engineering outcomes. As such communication with the Manager of Projects will be fundamental to the success of this role.
The candidate at least has Relevant degree with a minimum of 10 years industry experience.

2. (Senior) Safety Engineer
To provide risk management and Loss Prevention services to the various Worley Safety & Risk Management clients. To be responsible to the performance of projects assigned to both in terms of technical capability and also commercial performance of the project. To promote Worley Safety & Risk Management to clients to achieve follow-on work with existing clients and new work with prospective clients. To provide services of technical nature in meeting project requirements.
The candidate should has Bachelor Degree (S1) in Chemical Engineering.

3. (Senior) Electrical Engineer – Power Sector
Report and work in team under Lead of Electrical Engineers, the candidate should possess a relevant engineering degree with upwards of 8 years experience with some years of experience in detailed engineering for: Power plants, Substation Equipment, Building Services, and also Electrical Services.

4. Electrical Engineer – Infrastructure sector
Report and work in team under Lead of Electrical Engineers, the candidate should possess a relevant engineering degree with upwards of 8 years experience with some years of experience in detailed engineering for: Power plants, Substation Equipment, Building Services, and also Electrical Services.

General requirements:

Relevant qualifications and industry experience with at least holds a Bachelor Degree (S1) from reputable universities.
Communication skills – Good in English both for written and spoken.
Adaptability - open to change, new ideas and methods.
Good organizational skills.
Computer literacy including advanced use of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint).

Please note that all interested applicants should submit the resume (in MS Word format) with "the position" mentioned on the email subject to jakarta.vacancy@worleyparsons.com




"Forza Milan, Euy"


Distribution Monitoring Control Center Superintendent

Task & Responsibilities :
1. Arrange working schedule of 5 engineer
2. Supervise the work of the DMCC Engineer
3. Attend all meeting related with DMCC and to share result with engineers
4. Prepare regular report
5. Follow up damage report with hardware and software of DMCC system
6. Communicate with other department/section about DMCC relation with them and the advantage they may get :
- UPPs, NRW, Booster Pump, Production, Transmission Network Team, Production Engineering
- Construction, Call Center & Public Relation
7. Create and revise procedure and working instruction when there are changes made
8. Manage Health & Safety in this area

Qualification :
1. Minimum educational background : Graduate Bachelor Degree Majoring in Engineering
2. Minimum 4 years experience in related activities
3. Have good knowledge about Hydraulic & Mechanics.
4. Had participate in Production, Distribution, Primary Network & H&S Training
5. Fluent in English (Written & Oral).
6. Excellent MS Office Application (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point & MS Visio.
7. Very good analytical skills, Presentation skills and Inter Personal Skills.

Distribution Monitoring Control Center Engineer

Task & Responsibilities :
1. 24 hours monitoring water distribution.
2. Monitor water distribution parameter.
3. Collect, receive and distribute information related to water distribution.
4. Reporting DMCC activity.
5. Operate CMS computer.

Qualification :
1. Minimum educational background : Graduate Diploma Degree Majoring in Engineering
2. Have good knowledge about Hydraulic & Fluid.
3. Wiling to work on shift
4. Fluent in English (Written & Oral).
5. Excellent MS Office Application (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point & MS Visio.
6. Very good analytical skills, Presentation skills and Inter Personal Skills.

Supervisor Network Maintenance

Task & Responsibilities :
1. Compose maintenance program
2. Manage maintenance implementation
3. Inspect project implementation
4. Provide assistance in helium Program
5. Recap and check valve position
6. Implement network asset survey
7. Responsible for cathodic protection system and maintenance, as well as PRV maintenance
8. Responsible for Pipe Relocation and Synchronization Project Related with External Institution
9. Responsible for Project supervision : pipe relocation and leakage reparation
10. Responsible for managing maintenance filed team (overtime, works, H&S implementation, etc)

Qualification :
1. Minimum educational background : Diploma Degree Majoring in Engineering
2. Minimum 1 year in related activities
3. Had participate in Network Maintenance training
4. Have good knowledge in Pipe maintenance method
5. Fluent in English (Written & Oral).
6. Excellent MS Office Application (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point & MS Visio).
7. Very good analytical skills, Presentation skills and Inter Personal Skills

Network Optimization Engineer

Task & Responsibilities :
1. Propose methodology for optimizing pumping activities including the methodology for monitoring campaign
2. Production report of optimizing pumping activities including reviewing the implementation of Pumping Regime
3. Propose methodology for optimizing network at each assigned transmission and/or primary network line
4. Producing report of optimizing network activities (Detail investigation report)
5. Proposing request / recommendation of small rehabilitation and optimization in transmission and/or primary network pipes at each assigned
investigation line
6. Inspection of transmission and/or primary network rehabilitation and optimization work progress
7. Conducting and responsible for other assigned specific studies with optimization network including producing report for each specific studies
8. Troubleshooting and complaints handling

Qualification :
1. Minimum educational background : Graduate Bachelor Degree Majoring in Environmental or Civil Engineering
2. Minimum 1 year experience in related activities or Fresh graduate are welcome
3. Have good knowledge about Hydraulic
4. Had participate in Network Modelling, AutoCad and Leadership training
5. Fluent in English (Written & Oral).
6. Excellent MS Office Application (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point & MS Visio) & other Application such as Auto Cad or Epanet
7. Very good analytical skills, Presentation skills and Inter Personal Skills.

If you are interested to fill this challenging position, please send immediately CV (contains personal data, education background, past experience & achievement) to recruitment@palyja.co.id not later than May 9th 2008

Lowongan Graphic Design Fresh Graduate

Lowongan Kerja Graphic Design

Di butuhkan segera Desain Grafis.

Bisa menggunakan :
1. In Design
2. Illustrator
3. Coreldraw
4. Photoshop

Fresh Graduate atau yg berpengalaman.

Kirimkan CV dan contoh design yg pernah dibuat.

Kirimkan lamaran ke:


Lowongan Marketing Executive Mall

Kami bergerak di bidang properti (mal)Pusat niaga yang
terletak di serpong, Tangerang. Saat ini kami
membutuhkan beberapa orang yang suka dengan tantangan
dan energik untuk di tempatkan dibagian marketing

1. Anda seorang wanita, harus menarik
2. Minimal D3
3. Usia max 30 Thn
4. Memiliki pengalaman dibidang properti lebih
diutamkan, tidak punya pengalaman boleh

how to apply :
pls sent to: HRD MANAGER
PT Serpong Plaza Properti Manajemen (SPPM)
Jl. Raya serpong km 7, paku alam serpong.

or fax 021-53125457

Lowongan HR & GA Supervisor di PT. MEDCO ETHANOL LAMPUNG

PT. MEDCO ETHANOL LAMPUNG, merupakan perusahaan manufaktur yang memproduksi ethanol, mengundang para profesional yang inovatif, ulet dan pekerja keras untuk bergabung sebagai :


Kualifikasi :

Pria, usia min. 25 tahun
S 1 – Hukum, Psikologi atau Ilmu Sosial lainnya (IPK min. 2,8)
Memiliki pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang baik dibidang HR & GA

Memahami dengan baik UU Ketenagakerjaan
Lebih disukai memiliki kemampuan di bidang Training

Memiliki pengalaman di bidang HR & GA min. 5 tahun di industri manufaktur dan atau perkebunan

Memiliki pengalaman sebagai Supervisor HR & GA min. 3 tahun

Bersedia ditempatkan di Lampung

Jika memenuhi kualifikasi tersebut diatas, kirimkan CV dan surat lamaran beserta pas photo terbaru ke : utami.sastro@medcoenergi.com

Lowongan Accounting Officer (AO) PT. SMART TBK

PT. SMART Tbk. is a large and established group and major world player in agro-related industries and consumer goods under the umbrella of SINAR MAS GROUP - one of well establish conglomerate in Indonesia.
PT. SMART Tbk. ia an integrated palm-based consumer company that have owns and manages plantations, mills and refineries which manufacturated branded and unbranded cooking oil, branded margarine, fats and shortening. SMART's products are divided into three catagories : Retail, Industrial and Bulk.
We have a large oil palm plantations at Sumatera, Kalimantan , Papua, and our refineries located in Surabaya (Kawasan Rungkut Industri) & Medan (Belawan).
Our retail products are designed for household consumption. Whereas Industrial products are aimed at supplying noodle factories, confection factories, bakeries, fast food chains, hotels, hospitals, restaurant, and so forth.
The latter catagory fetches the premium gross margin as customer requirements are tailor-made to specifications.
The branded products cater not only for local but also for international consumption. Finally, bulk products are unbranded and unpacked goods targeted for mass consumption.
Whilst for our upstream operation, we implement an on-going plantation expansion program and concurrently replanting the old or less productive trees. The integrated structure within the company has ensured good quality and steady supply of raw material - CPO for its products requirement at competitive cost.
The company has embarked into an extensive research and development program both at refineries and at plantation areas to optimize the plantation output in order to cope with the growing demand of our products.

Accounting Officer (AO) - Jakarta

*. Male / Female max 27

*. Bachelor degree (S1) in Accounting from reputable university

*. Having experience (2 years) at the same position, preferably form Banking Industries.

*. Good in English (written and oral)

*. Able to speak mandarin (or Chinese dialect) - min. passive would be an advantageous

*. Able to work with minimum supervision

*. Able to work with as a team or individually
*. Job Location : Jakarta

Send your CV with latest photograph to (Position Code on the e mail subject): jimmi-setiawan@smart-tbk.com

Lowongan Staff Marcom PT. ZMB

Kami, PT Mantidi Jaya Prakarsa, perusahaan Rekruitmen & Outsourcing,
membutuhkan beberapa kandidat untuk beberapa perusahaan klien kami :

1. Accounting Assistant Manager (Kode: SA)
a. Pria/Wanita, usia max. 45 thn
b. Pendidikan minimal S1
c. Pengalaman min. 4 thn dibidangnya
d. Menguasai perpajakan
e. Menguasai bahasa inggris lisan maupun tulisan
f. Dapat mengoperasikan komputer (Ms-office, internet)

2. Junior Accounting (Kode: JA)
a. Pria / Wanita, usia max. 28 thn
b. Pendidikan minimal S1
c. Diutamakan berpengalaman di bidangnya (fresh graduates are welcome to apply)
d. Mengerti perpajakan lebih diutamakan
e. Menguasai bahasa inggris minimal pasif
f. Dapat mengoperasikan komputer (Ms-office, internet)

3. Staff Administrasi (Kode: ADM)
a. Wanita, usia max. 28 thn
b. Pendidikan minimal D1
c. Pengalaman min. 1 thn dibidangnya
d.. Menguasai bahasa inggris minimal pasif
f. Dapat mengoperasikan komputer, minimal Ms-office

4. Sales Promotion Girl (Kode: SPG)
a. Wanita, usia max. 25 thn
b. Pendidikan minimal SMA
c. Diutamakan berpengalaman di bank

5. Driver (Kode: DRV)
a. Pria, usia max. 45 thn
b. Pendidikan minimal SMA atau sederajat
c. Memiliki SIM A
d. Berpengalaman sebagai driver perusahaan
- Menguasai jalan-jalan di Jabodetabek
- Diutamakan mampu mengendarai mobil otomatik

6. Waiter/Waitress (Kode: WTR)
a. Pria / Wanita, usia max. 27 thn
b. Pendidikan minimal SMA
c. Diutamakan berpengalaman di Restoran/Cafe

Kirimkan lamaran lengkap Anda melalui :
PO BOX 1403
JKT 13014

atau email ke : mantidi.jp@cbn.net.id dengan mencantumkan kode posisi di subject email
Hanya pelamar yang sesuai dengan kriteria diatas yang akan di proses.

PT Mantidi Jaya Prakarsa

Lowongan Accounting, Administrasi, SPG, Driver, Waitress di PT Mantidi Jaya Prakarsa

Kami, PT Mantidi Jaya Prakarsa, perusahaan Rekruitmen & Outsourcing,
membutuhkan beberapa kandidat untuk beberapa perusahaan klien kami :

1. Accounting Assistant Manager (Kode: SA)
a. Pria/Wanita, usia max. 45 thn
b. Pendidikan minimal S1
c. Pengalaman min. 4 thn dibidangnya
d. Menguasai perpajakan
e. Menguasai bahasa inggris lisan maupun tulisan
f. Dapat mengoperasikan komputer (Ms-office, internet)

2. Junior Accounting (Kode: JA)
a. Pria / Wanita, usia max. 28 thn
b. Pendidikan minimal S1
c. Diutamakan berpengalaman di bidangnya (fresh graduates are welcome to apply)
d. Mengerti perpajakan lebih diutamakan
e. Menguasai bahasa inggris minimal pasif
f. Dapat mengoperasikan komputer (Ms-office, internet)

3. Staff Administrasi (Kode: ADM)
a. Wanita, usia max. 28 thn
b. Pendidikan minimal D1
c. Pengalaman min. 1 thn dibidangnya
d.. Menguasai bahasa inggris minimal pasif
f. Dapat mengoperasikan komputer, minimal Ms-office

4. Sales Promotion Girl (Kode: SPG)
a. Wanita, usia max. 25 thn
b. Pendidikan minimal SMA
c. Diutamakan berpengalaman di bank

5. Driver (Kode: DRV)
a. Pria, usia max. 45 thn
b. Pendidikan minimal SMA atau sederajat
c. Memiliki SIM A
d. Berpengalaman sebagai driver perusahaan
- Menguasai jalan-jalan di Jabodetabek
- Diutamakan mampu mengendarai mobil otomatik

6. Waiter/Waitress (Kode: WTR)
a. Pria / Wanita, usia max. 27 thn
b. Pendidikan minimal SMA
c. Diutamakan berpengalaman di Restoran/Cafe

Kirimkan lamaran lengkap Anda melalui :
PO BOX 1403
JKT 13014

atau email ke : mantidi.jp@cbn.net.id dengan mencantumkan kode posisi di subject email
Hanya pelamar yang sesuai dengan kriteria diatas yang akan di proses.

PT Mantidi Jaya Prakarsa